Red Top Christian Church


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Red Top's Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) is an active and busy group.
We meet the 2nd Monday of every month to share fellowship, grow in our faith and work to support our church and community.  All women of the church are invited to join us!

Events sponsored by CWF:
Scholarships to graduating High School Seniors
Annual Smorgasbord
Various Dinners for church and community
Giving to local charities:  Hallsville Schools, Sole Tree, Ronald McDonald House, The Shelter
Supporting our church and community:  Back to School Bash, Red Top Building Fund

 One of the service projects for CWF was to purchase much needed supplies for the Ronald McDonald house. We met at Sam's on Monday February 23rd and purchased paper products, snacks, frozen meals and cleaning supplies. There was a group of 8 of us, Julie K, Jennifer W, Rhonda D, Edith B, Charolette, Wendy D., Shelly and Michelle W. Had a great time followed our shopping with fellowship at IHop and then took our goods to the Ronald McDonald house. Our group meets once a month on the 2nd Monday at 6pm. This group enjoys doing service projects and a wonderful sisterhood of Christian Women.  We would like to extend an invitation to our female church members to come and join us.

Red Top Christian Church
P.O. Box 248
14355  Rt.  U
Hallsville, MO 65255
(573) 696-3214